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Kabir Dasar


Saint Kabir Dasar was around in this world in the middle of the 15th century. So it may be surprising to some that Gurunathar has a connection with even this prominent Saint for many, many years ago.


During one bhajan session, Guruji had sung the song “Kauna Padhave Padha Gurubina.” A song written by Saint Kabir Dasar. Once Guruji had finished singing, Gurunaathar explained the meaning of the song and narrated the life of Saint Kabir Dasar. He went on to add that He had seen Kabir Dasar and that He (Kabir Dasar) looked very much like Yogi Ram Surat Kumar. Sathgurunathar has mentioned before that Yogi Ram Surat Kumar was in fact another manifestation of Saint Kabir Dasar.


For those who know of the timeless nature of Gurunathar, it is certainly no surprising revelation that Gurunathar associated with a 15th century saint many years.

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