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Mahaswamigal of Kanchi


A group of devotees of Kanchi Mahaperiyavar visited Thiruvannamalai. On the way, they went to Sathgurunathar's Thapovanam at Thirukkovilur. When they returned to see Kanchi Mahaperiyavar, He asked them where they had all gone. they replied that they had visited the ashram of "Swami Gnanananda..." Before they could finish their sentence, Kanchi Mahaperiyavar put up His hand and stopped them saying, "'Thatha Swamigal.' Even we never say His full name because He is grandfather to us all."

There have been many instances in which Gurunathar took to his room and stayed in there for a long period of time. It is known by many that He is normally performing a Yogic act during these moments. At one such time, Gurunathar came out after two hours and announced that He had gone to Elayathangudi to a grand pooja for which He had been invited to by Acharya Swamigal. However, there were many who doubted His words and so he told them to stay overnight. 


In the middle of the night, Gurunathar woke up Namaji and instructed him to pick up a couple who had arrived at the station intending to come to Thapovanam. Namaji made his way there and as he had been told, there was a couple waiting there. The stationmaster had just been informing them that it is too late to make their way to Thapovanam due to the heavy rain. Just as he was offering for them to stay overnight at the station, the stationmaster caught sight of Namaji and informed them that there was someone to pick them up from Thapovanam. Gurunathar, with all His compassion, waited for the three of them at the gate of Thapovanam itself with an umbrella. He met them and told them to rest for the night and they could speak in the morning.


The next morning, the couple attended morning pooja. Gurunathar enquired where they came from and for what purpose. They replied that they had come from Elayathangudi where they had gone for the grand puja performed by the Maha Swamigal. Gurunathar further asked if any incidents occurred during the puja and they told of how a goat had come when the Maha Swamigal was offering neivaidhyam. When the goat ate a little of the prasadam and looked around, Maha Swamigal offered deep Arati to the goat and announced how He had invited a Swamiji from Thapovanm for today's puja and the goat was He. The couple had then asked the Maha Swamigal after the puja was over about this Swamiji from Thapovanam and He sent them towards Gurunathar to receive blessings. The couple also told the people of how Gurunathar had sent someone to pick them up the previous night despite not being informed of their arrival.


Their story cleared the doubt in the people's minds and they asked for His forgiveness for not believing His words, but Gurunathar told them not to worry and it was only natural for them to doubt given that they are living in the Kali Yuga. Gurunathar said such things do happen in the lived of saints and there are valid reasons behind that which happen. It is important to believe the words on saints and follow their preachings with sincerity and faith.

There was also another instance in which the Kanchi Seer visited Chennai, for which a grand reception was arranged. there was vedic recitations and namasankeerthanam. Guruji and Namaji sang songs in praise of Gurunathar. When the procession reached towards its' end, the Kanchi Seer called one of his volunteers to fetch the "two boys" who were singing i.e. Guruji and Namaji. When Guruji and Namaji were taken to the saint, they prostrated and were then asked if they knew Gurunathar given that they were singing about Him. Guruji replied that HH Swami Gnanananda Giri was their Gurunathar. The bhajan mandali was also named after Him. To this, the Kanchi Seer blessed them saying that they have chosen the right person and only have this opportunity due to the virtues of their past births. Both Guruji and Namaji were moved to tears and grateful for His words.

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