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HH Sri Abinava Vidhyathirtha Mahaswamigal 


One morning after poojas were over at Thapovanam, Gurunathar gathered everyone around and announced that a great human being was about to arrive and to be prepared to receive them with full honours. In accordance, everyone waited at the entrance. Soon after, Sri Abinava Vidhyathirtha Mahaswamigal - reigning the Sringeri Sarada Peeth at the time - arrived. His Holiness was given a traditional welcome and taken into the ashram. Gurunathar received Him in the praakaram itself. The Sringeri Acharyal then handed his dhandam (holy stick) to Gurunathar so as to prostrate before Him. But Gurunathar stopped Him saying there was no need to do it in the full of the public. However, Acharyal replied "You are our grandfather. There is nothing wrong in showing our respects to you in public," and proceeded to prostrate before Him.


To the people watching the astounding incident, it looked as if one spiritual flame was worshipping to another spiritual flame. The great saints displayed humbleness and humility in all sincerity and it was a blessing for those who were there to watch. It also showcased how Gurunathar was revered as an extraordinary saint by many great men.

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