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Sri Swami Sivananda


Once, Guruji and Namaji attended the Jayanthi celebrations of Swami Sivananda at Rishikesh. Before, leaving to Rishikesh, they informed Sathgurunathar who exaplained to them in detail the glory of Swami Sivananda. With Gurunathar's blessings, they left to attend the celebration.


While there, they sat before Swami Sivananda's, as the other devotees did. Swami Sivanananda called to them though and specifically enquired about Gurunathar and whether His Holiness had sent them here. Guruji and Namaji were pleasantly surprised to hear Swami Sivananda speak of Gurunathar.


Later during that day, while bhajans were going on, Swami Sivananda sat before Guruji and Namaji. He then laughed merrily addressed Guruji directly stating 'Haridhas, may you, who reminded me about Gurunathar, spread Naama Sankirtan all over the country. With the divine blessings of your Guru, you will become a celebrated Naama Sankirtan Jyoti around the world.' He was not wrong.


Swami Sivananda cited many instances of his association with Gurunathar and spoke of His glory, including a story of how Gurunathar helped him whilst they were in Malaysia to find certain rare herbs.

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