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Vibhuti Siddhar


One day, Guruji and Namaji were sitting in front of their house when a slim Swami covered with ashes all over beckoned them. He asked both Guruji and Namaji to follow Him to Palani. Though both of them were bewildered, they agreed to follow Him to Palani, had the dharshan of Lord Muruga and received the Lord's prasadam.

The mind-blowing fact about this entire episode is that the three of them did not move even an inch to get to Palani. The whole incident took place in matter of seconds. Guruji and Namaji simply closed their eyes and found themselves at Palani. As they returned to Thapovanam in awe, Gurunaathar jovially asked them if Vibhuthi Swami had come to them and if they had the dharshan and prasadam from Palani before Guruji and Namaji even mentioned the matter to them.

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