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Yogi Ram Suratkumar


Yogi Ram Suratkumar was one of the many saints that revered our Sathgurunathar and had stayed at Thapovanam many times.


One day, Guruji and Namaji were returning to Thapovanam after a temple visit. On their way, they saw a Swamiji sitting by the Lord Muruga sannidhi at Arunachaleswara Temple, holding a palm fan in his hand. The Swamiji spoke to them and found out that Guruji and Namaji were on their way to Thapovanam to get dharshan of Sathgurunathar. The Swami asked to join them on their journey to Thapovanam. Upon reaching there, Namaji was surprised to see that the Swamiji, who was in fact Yogi Ram Suratkumar, and our Gurunaathar have known each other for a very long time. On His visit to Thapovanam, Yogi Ram Surat Kumar showed much respect towards Gurunaathar and proceeded to conduct discourses on Rama Naamam and Guru Bakthi.

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